Hemorrhoids are often characterized by “piles”, which appear in the anal passage opening after straining during bowel movements.
This is a common complaint.
Are there many people who have hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids affect half of the US population. Hemorrhoids that are not severe or in the early stages of development are usually easy to treat at-home. If they persist or become chronic, more severe measures may be necessary.
The main reason? Constipation.
Constipation, along with obesity and later stages of pregnancy can increase pressure on the tissue cushions that make up the anal canal.
What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids look like varicose veins in both the rectum or the anus. Although they can sometimes be painful, hemorrhoids that are small are usually not painful. The anus can become a lump, which is a sign of thrombosis. This is when severe pain can be felt.
The anus is controlled by two muscle rings. If the stool is to pass easily, both of these muscles must relax. Although it is possible to treat hemorrhoids and get rid of them, it can take time and effort.
How can I tell if I have hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids can be characterized by:
- Extreme itching around the anus.
- Anus irritation and pain.
- Itchy, painful lumps or swellings near your anus.
- Fecal leakage
- Painful bowel movements.
- After a bowel movement, blood can be found on the tissue.
What causes hemorrhoids?
- Being overweight or obese
- Lift heavy objects regularly
- Aging
- Giving birth and pregnancy
- Chronic diarrhea or constipation
- Overuse of laxatives and enemas can cause a dysfunctional bowel function.
- Too long sitting on the toilet
What can I do to treat constipation?
Constipation can be made worse by emotional stress. When you feel stressed or anxious, your body drains blood from your digestive tract to make it available to the muscles. Stress can also make the parasympathetic nervous systems less efficient. Peristalsis refers to the movement that propels food particles along the digestive tract. This action is performed by rhythmic waves of smooth muscle contractions. However, you can opt for the Best probiotics for constipation if you are looking for the treatment of constipation.
Hemorrhoids can also be treated naturally with Epsom salts
Epsom salt is high in magnesium sulphate. We have written about how regular Epsom baths can help reduce magnesium deficiency. The same magnesium sulphate can also be used as a laxative by dilating the blood vessels and increasing blood flow.
Epsom salt is also known for its detoxifying properties. It helps to eliminate toxins and other impurities. You can achieve this by consuming a teaspoon of Epsom Salt in a glass of water.
A soothing and warm Epsom salt bath can help relax the anal as well as the rectum muscles, and improve bowel movements. To reap the full benefits, add two cups of Epsom salt to a warm tub and allow it to sit for at least twenty minutes.
Epsom salt also has the advantage of healing any cuts in the anus, which releases blood into the stool.
The same Epsom salt baths can also be used to soothe inflammation and reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids like itching, irritation, and swelling. You can also make a paste from Epsom salt and water, which you can apply to the affected area.