Gynecologists perform a diagnostic process to check the presence of any infections and diseases in the female reproductive system. A Gynecologist is specialized in the treatment of female reproductive organs. A specialist also studies obstetrics that refer to childbirth and pregnancy.
Sexually transmitted diseases and cancers are diagnosed by the Gynecologist. It reveals how important it is to consult a doctor who specializes in female reproductive systems. Regular consultation and screening help in the prevention of Gynecological diseases and cancers.
According to research, women between ages 21 to 29 must visit Gynecologists because they also deal with hormonal disorders and menstrual problems. I remember that I also began to visit a Gynecologist in Islamabad when I turned 21.
A recent report shows that women often visit general physicians rather than going to a Gynecologist. Here, we will discuss why we should go to a Gynecologist:
A general physician has no idea what vaginal problems you are dealing with. He/she may ask about the symptoms but will not provide you the right treatment that you needed. If you are facing any Gynecological issues, including Pelvic pain, Uterine Fibroids, Polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., then you should book an appointment with a Gynecologist.
How a Gynecologist Can Help You?
There are many diseases related to female reproductive organs that can turn chronic if not get treated at the right time.
In This Session, We Will Throw Some Light On Few Gynecologic Diseases And How Gynecology Deals With Them.
Yeast Infection
Overgrowth of the yeast cells in the vagina can cause a yeast infection. A report shows that three in four women experience this disease once in their lifetime. Yeast like fungus (Candida and Monica) is the main cause of vaginal yeast infection. When your body’s immunity fails to control this fungus, then it causes yeast infection. A gynecologist prescribes the antifungal medication to the patient and it often takes three to seven days to get rid of yeast infection.
Irregular Bleeding
A normal menstrual period lasts above five days but many women experience heavier bleeding for many days in a row. According to the researchers, the reasons for the most irregular bleeding cases are not identified. Some of the causes are fibroids, medications, infections, polyps, etc. It might be possible that a woman takes some medication for other treatment and experiences a side effect of heavier bleeding.
Stress and tensions can also be the reason for irregular bleeding or the reason can be a hormonal imbalance. If you have periods more than one in a month, it’s time to consult a Gynecologist. Gynecology specialists often prescribe the medication (Medroxyprogesterone) to stop the irregular bleeding. Regularly visiting a Gynecologist can minimize the chances of irregular bleeding as they will help to maintain a healthy reproductive system.
When the Lining of tissues grows outside of the uterus, it is known as endometriosis. It is a painful disorder and involves your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the tissue lining your pelvis. Such disorder should be treated at its early stages or it can turn chronic. Most of the time a patient undergoes a surgical treatment. If the symptoms are mild, then the specialist can prescribe some medication for pain. About one-third of women say that the endometriosis goes on its own without taking any medication.
To Conceive a Child
Sometimes, a woman has no clue why she is not able to conceive the child. There are many conditions that can cause infertility issues. Having a regular checkup with a Gynecologist can help you to learn what precautions you should take. Meanwhile, if a woman gets pregnant then the Gynecology specialist helps them to give birth to a healthy baby. A regular checkup will also reveal if the baby has any genetic disorder. The gynecologist will prescribe whom the patient should visit further.
Now, it’s Your Turn…
At the first visit, the Gynecologist asks about the symptoms and informs you about the treatments you need. A specialist often focuses on the medicines a patient takes, family history, genetic issues, medical records, etc. Once I went to a Fatima clinic in Islamabad, where a General Physician shared with me how important it is to see a Gynecologist.
A Gynecologist diagnoses the vaginal or uterus diseases through the pelvic and abdominal exam, Pap smear, etc. Regular Gynecologist visit helps a lot to keep a healthy reproductive system.