Erectile Dysfunction is without a doubt one of the few diseases that bother men more than any other. It makes a man’s life, as well as the lives of those around him, unhappy and painful.
It’s just a disorder in which the penis does not erect during sexual intercourse, according to science. Since there are many medications on the market that can help you with erection problems, such as Cenforce 200 for oral use. For a male, however, not being able to erect his penis is more of an ego problem.
His self-esteem and self-respect have been harmed, and this is reflected in his daily activities. When interacting with strangers, an ED patient is still nervous. His marriage, and friendships have all been broken. Psychiatrists are often seen by ED patients for depression, anxiety attacks, and other issues.
In this post, we’ll go through some Erectile Dysfunction data that most people aren’t aware of.
Erectile Dysfunction is merely a symptom of a more serious ailment.
Can you recall your doctor’s response to your question about whether fever is a disease? He would have responded that fever is a symptom or warning of illness, not a disease.
ED is a medical disorder caused by problems in other areas of the body, not a disease in and of itself. This forces you to take oral medications like Kamagra Oral Jelly, Fildena 100, Cenforce 100, or even Vidalista. Let’s take a look at the causes of Erectile Dysfunction to get a better understanding.
Smoking – If you smoke on a daily basis, you’re more likely to end up in the emergency room. Lead enters our bodies as we smoke gaseous contaminants like carbon monoxide. This causes the blood supply in the body to be disrupted. Looking for coupons for chantix can be a cost effective way to help anyone that is wanting to quit smoking.
As a result, blood supply to all areas of the body is inadequate. And ED occurs when the penis does not receive blood during sexual stimulation.
High levels of Prolactin – Prolactin levels in your body may be the cause of your penis’ inability to erect. What is prolactin, a relatively new term to you? The hormone prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland, which is located beneath the brain.
However, how does prolactin affect your sexual performance? Prolactin is the hormone that causes females’ mammary glands to secrete milk. Females need milk only after the birth of their infant, not during pregnancy.
High prolactin levels promote milk production and delay the onset of discharge. Lactation problems are common in such women during pregnancy. Even if there are no conditions for a child’s birth.
Females had this problem, but they don’t have Erectile Dysfunction. High levels of prolactin in males can also cause milk to be discharged from the breasts. This is an uncommon occurrence, but it is probable. Some signs and symptoms include breast enlargement and a lack of desire to engage in sexual activity.
But there is no sexual pleasure if there is no interest in sex. And sexual arousal is the first step toward erecting the penis. As a result, Erectile Dysfunction becomes unavoidable. Fildena 100, Cenforce 100, and even Vidalista 60 are only effective if you’re already stimulated.
This is why doctors recommend a prolactin examination to their ED patients. Since elevated levels of prolactin are usually found as a result of a tumour in the pituitary gland. Prolactinoma is a disease in which a benign tumour develops in the pituitary gland.
This tumour secretes more prolactin, which raises its level in the body and can lead to complete blindness if not treated quickly.
High calorie intake – It has been observed that people who are obese also have Erectile Dysfunction. In this case, it is your obesity that has caused you to develop ED.
Obesity occurs when a person consumes too many high-calorie foods, resulting in the accumulation of layers of bad cholesterol and trans-fat. Our bodies require good cholesterol in small quantities, but bad cholesterol, as the name suggests, does not.
It adheres to the pulmonary veins, which carry blood to all parts of the body. As a result, less blood flows into the organs, reducing their performance. In such circumstances, the heart pumps more blood, increasing blood pressure and heart rate.
As a result, when such an individual is sexually aroused, less blood flows into the penis. This causes erection problems, such as non-erection or insufficient erection.
Diabetes mellitus – also known as diabetes, is a disease in which high levels of sugar in the blood are caused by low insulin levels. Sugar levels in the blood have an effect on a person’s sex drive.
The blood supply to the organs, including the penis, is hindered. As a result, an ED patient is advised to have a diabetes check-up.
Use ED pills like Vidalista 20 to overcome erectile dysfunction problem in men. This is highly recommended medicine by doctors for ED cure.