Have you ever heard the saying “touch is the key to long-lasting memory”? Well, it’s true. People remember an idea for longer when they’ve experienced it in both visual and tactile form. This is an important fact to keep in mind when developing your marketing strategy. It’s no secret that internet marketing has become more popular than ever, but print marketing is still here to stay. Want to know more? Read on to find out why print marketing will always be important to every business.
Print marketing is more alive than ever
People often ask: “Is print marketing dead?” The answer is: “No, print marketing is alive — and more effective than ever.” Today, print marketing is more than just a marketing tool. It’s a creative way to stand out from the competition and make a great impression on potential customers and prospects. Here are a few reasons why print marketing can help your business succeed:
Print is more memorable
Marketing materials that are printed are more likely to make a lasting impression on your audience. People tend to spend more time engaging with physical advertisements than digital ones, which allows them to process the information more effectively. Additionally, recipients are more likely to remember a physical advertisement a week after viewing it, making it a key marketing strategy for building a lasting brand identity.
Print is more trusted
When people see your ad in print, they’re more likely to believe it. According to MarketingSherpa, 82% of online users trust print advertising, making it the most trusted form of advertising. That’s compared to only 61% who believe in search engine ads (the most trusted form of digital advertising). It’s no wonder print marketing is the easiest way to build trust with your target audience.
Print yields more profits
The most important part of print marketing is sales. Print materials are easy to refer to when a prospect decides to use your product or service and needs to locate your phone number or your website. Professional printed items portray your company in the best light possible, making you the obvious choice. Make sure you use a quality printer that can produce products that inspire trust in your brand. Print marketing increases your company’s credibility, which leads to sales. Mixing print and online marketing is a smart business strategy. For instance, combine direct mail, which has the best response rate of any marketing channel, with products like brochures and business cards and online marketing to make a lasting impression that results in sales. All in all, printed marketing materials are worth your time and money!
When you crunch the numbers and analyze the data, print marketing is still an integral part of every company’s marketing plan. King Print can help you take your marketing game to the next level. With years of experience in the design, printing, and distribution of printed marketing content, we have the know-how and are ready to collaborate with you. Get in touch today!