Let’s find out first about Google Adsense and how to get it approved. Google AdSense is a web application from Google.
It is basically an advertiser network through which Google and its users can earn money by advertising on their website or YouTube videos.
The owner of a website or blog can earn money by displaying or placing Google-designed ads on his site, subject to certain conditions.
About 50 to 60 percent of the money received from advertisers is shared between website owners.
And anyone can make money through Google AdSense.
Many Bangladeshi bloggers and website owners are currently making money by displaying Google AdSense ads.
Before applying Google AdSense for your website, you need to keep in mind the issues of the website.
There are two types of Google AdSense accounts.
1. Hosted Google AdSense
2. Non-hosted Google AdSense or fully authorized AdSense
Hosted AdSense means those who are giving you free hosting and domains and using it you can share your posts or videos through them at no cost.
Hosted AdSense is the AdSense you will get using all these mediums.
However, you must remember that all these sites must be a partner of Google AdSense.
In the case of hosted, the income you will get will be divided into three parts (the percentage of each part will be different).
One part will be given to Google, the other will be given to that free domain hosting provider and in the end, you will get it.
Some examples of hosted: Blogger, WordPress, YouTube, etc.
And non-hosted AdSense means you buy the domain and hosting yourself and you have full control over it. So the income through all these sites will be more. Google will take only a few parts and you will get the rest.
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What to check before applying…
1. Website Design
Google wants your web site to be very easy and comfortable for your users to use. Suppose you designed the site with all the colors of the world. When a visitor visits it, he may not enter after seeing so many color combinations. If he cannot easily return to the home page after moving from the home page to another page, then your site can be a bad experience for that user. This will reduce the number of visitors and you may not get Adsense approval for underdeveloped site design.
2. AdSense Policies
Your site must be built in accordance with Google AdSense policies, such as No copy paste content can be unique content, the site will need organic traffic, online advertising or visitors can not bring any software.
3. An adequate amount of content
If your site is a blog or news site, then you must have enough posts before applying to AdSense. You should apply after at least 30+ posts. Another thing to keep in mind is that your site should not have pages that are empty or without any content.
4. Responsive design
Your site theme/layout must be responsive and have a good navigation menu. Visitors can go to the home page or any other page from any page of your site. This is very important.
5. Age of the domain
When buying a domain, buy it for more than one year because the older the domain, the easier it will be to get approval. Because Google understands that the location are going to be permanent within the future. The site should not be applied after the minimum age of 45 days.
6. Site Information
Your site must have About, Contact Us, DISCLAIMER & Privacy policy pages and it is better to make these pages in English. This is one of the conditions of Google. There are various sites for making these autos. You can make it from there or do it yourself.
7. XML Sitemap Create a good quality XML sitemap
Submit to Google Webmaster Tools and get indexed by Google. There are many plugins for creating XML sitemaps in WordPress, you can use them and there are many web sites you can create from them.
8. Account details
If you create a Gmail ID that matches the domain name and apply from that Gmail, the chances of getting approval are higher, so you can try working in this way.
9. Security
Put an SSL Certificate in your domain, it makes the site more trusted by Google and more likely to be approved. And keep the site linked with Google Analytics.
10. Protect the site from adult content.
If you work in accordance with the issues discussed above, you must approve Adsense on your site. Then you don’t have to pay for Adsense approval to be admitted to any training center. Thanks for reading this article and if there is any problem, please comment here or leave a message on our Facebook page.