Not a week without reading your horoscope! Astrology seduces you, to the point of wanting to unravel the mysteries of the zodiacal wheel. The catch is that its language and symbols put you off. We teach you the basics in some essential points. The following points are related to Western Astrology, but if you want to know about Vedic Astrology, you should find Astrologers in USA (Vedic). Now let’s go to the points:
1. The signs of the Zodiac
Zodiakos means, in Greek, “the circle of small animals”. With the exception of Libra, the sign constellations represent living things. In the 5th century BC. J.C, the Zodiac was divided into 12 equal parts. Each bears the name of the sign attached to its constellation. Your journey is part of the “Wheel of the Zodiac”: you create in Aries, produce in Taurus, cultivate in Gemini, give life in Cancer, educate in Leo, forge social ties in Virgo, love in Libra, become aware of your end in Scorpio, discover the world in Sagittarius, leave a material inheritance in Capricorn, an intellectual inheritance in Aquarius before you rise spiritually in Pisces.
2. Fire, Earth, Air, Water: meaning of the different elements
Imagine twelve zodiac families spread over four continents. Three live on the Fire continent (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), three on Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), three on the Air continent (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and the last on the Water continent (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). They are called “elements”. Families living on the same continent have some common character traits.
3. The decans in astrology
Each sign travels 30 ° on a 360 ° circle. Divide these 30 ° by 3, you get 3 groups of 10 °, which we call “decans”. Depending on your date of birth, you are from the 1st, 2nd or 3rd decan. This nuances your personality as if you were influenced by hereditary family signs. In a horoscope, forecasts by decans are therefore more precise, the planetary aspects being able to influence one more than the other. Discover your decan and the meaning of your birthday.
4. Astrology from A to Z
“Square to Venus, your Sun disturbs your loves”. Gibberish? No, it is the transcription of the interaction between two planets, according to the angle formed by the degrees that separate them (3 °, 90 °, 180 ° …) We give the name “aspect” to this interaction. If there are many of them, the astrologer rather takes into account the “major” aspects when writing his horoscope.
Here they are :
The conjunction: two planets are side by side (9-10 ° apart). By combining their energies, the Conjunction releases a force, positive or negative depending on the nature of the planets present (Venus / Moon: softness) (Mars / Uranus: nervousness).
The sextile: two planets are 60 ° apart. The aspect is beneficial. The planets complement each other, the energy of one extending that of the other. The sextile evokes what is real, concrete. Exchanges are based on communication.
The square: two planets are 90 ° apart. The aspect is negative because of the incompatibility between them. The conflict pushes to react, to find solutions. The tension forces you to overcome your fears in order to better overcome the obstacle.
The trine: two planets 120 ° apart. This aspect is very positive. It reveals talents, promotes luck. The current is going well, the situation is moving in the right direction. Le Trigone reinforces the most positive aspects of events.
The opposition: two planets 180 ° apart. The aspect is negative. With the energy of each planet acting separately, it is difficult to harmonize their influences. It announces an obstacle, a test, a blockage. It causes tension and disorder.
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