Have you seen your dog bumping into things at home or pawing and scratching his eyes? If you have found your dog in this kind of trouble, then don’t be annoyed. Probably, it was unintentional and your dog is nursing some problems that he isn’t aware of yet. As a responsible dog parent, you need to take charge of the situation and inspect the poor thing’s eyes. You never know if there are some eye complaints to be addressed.
If you notice something unusual under your dog’s pretty eyes, check if it’s a tear stain, an injury, or an infection. If you find it to be something abnormal, spare your thoughts and head to the vet as soon as possible. Plus, if you have cat insurance, you could claim the vet consultation charges later from the insurer. Avail of all the benefits your pet insurance promises so you can ensure your pup’s health is tip top.
Make it a point to observe your dog’s eyes often. Usually, a dog needs to deal with a lot of grime and dust in the eyes. If your dog nurses an eye irritation, itch, or vision loss, take your dog quickly to the vet.
So, how would you spot if something adverse is going on in your dog’s eyes? Here are our tips:
- Monitor for any changes in the eye structure like eyelids, pupils, etc.
- There should be no crust formation, redness, swelling, haziness in the eye region. Your precious pet’s eyes must sparkle all the time.
- Do you notice any eye color changes? If so, don’t take it lightly.
- Do you see an excessive eye discharge or changes in discharge color? Also, the normal color of discharge is a reddish-grey.
- Did you discover a pus-like discharge from your pet eyes?
- Is your fur baby showing any apparent signs of discomfort or irritability?
- Does your dog excessively paw or rub its eyes?
- Does your fur friend blink excessively?
- Are your dog’s eyes highly dry/watery?
The most common eye issues that torment a humble pet dog are listed here.
- Epiphora – It means excessive tears in common language. The reason for its occurrence is allergies, inflammation, abnormal eyelashes, corneal ulcers, tumors, or several other factors.
- Conjunctivitis – This is a familiar eye infection. The eyelids and the tissue region surrounding the eye are subjected to inflammation. The causal factors could be allergies, bacteria, or malignant viruses. The indicative symptoms are eye redness, pain, tearing, and squinting.
- Allergies – Dogs also contract allergies, like they may be allergic to dust that causes persistent eye itching.
- Dry eyes – A medical condition where sufficient tears aren’t produced in the eye. You may notice sticky discharge and frequent squinting of your pet.
- Glaucoma – The symptoms are cloudy, bulging, and tearing eyes. This condition develops because of high pressure in the eye region.
Whenever your dog experiences an eye discharge due to fur or dust mites getting into its eyes, take a cotton ball or a sterilized tissue to wipe it off from the eye corner. If the discharge has dried and appears as a crust, use a wet sterilized tissue to tap on the crust and remove it slowly. Also, you could use a medical product suggested by your vet to clean it away.
Get your pet companion’s eyes checked every time you take him for a regular vet check-up. Insurance for pets dogs helps cover much of your pet’s vet visiting charges, treatment for illnesses, and medical prescriptions. Purchase pet insurance to support your pet in distress, so you can make easy decisions around quality care. Dog insurance could be the perfect gift for your best companion.