About 90% of homes in the US have air conditioning units. Unfortunately, not every unit is built to last. You need to keep an eye out for any issues before your unit breaks down.
Otherwise, you might find yourself sweating through your next dinner party.
Here are the seven signs you need HVAC repair or replacement. By keeping an eye out for these signs, you can get help before the unit breaks down. Preventative maintenance can help you avoid costly repairs as well.
Keep it cool! Discover how to tell when it’s time to repair or replace your HVAC unit with these tips today.
1. Fluctuating Energy Costs
Air conditioners use about 6% of all the electricity produced in the US. That’s a cost of $29 billion to homeowners each year!
Review your energy bills for the past few months. Compare your bills year-over-year, too. Has the price gone up?
You might need to consider HVAC repair or replacement.
If your energy bills are fluctuating, it could mean there’s a problem with the unit. It might work overtime to blow out cool air. When your unit works harder, it uses more energy.
You might need a new unit, especially if you’re using an older model. Consider looking into ENERGY STAR-qualified products. An energy-efficient unit can help cut costs and save the environment.
In fact, ENERGY STAR-certified air conditioners use 10% less energy and cost less than $75 a year to run!
Switching to an ENERGY STAR-certified unit can help prevent greenhouse gas emissions as well. You can keep harmful carbon pollution from entering the air. When combining it with the best electricity rates in Houston, you will not only be helping the environment but also lowering your power bill.
If you notice constant changes to your energy bill, you might want to start Google “HVAC repair near me.”
2. Constant Breakdowns
Does your unit break down a lot? Does it feel like you just called someone to repair it?
Pay attention to how often you need to call for an HVAC repair service. You shouldn’t need to make a monthly payment to get the unit fixed. Instead, you might want to consider a new unit altogether.
An AC unit installation company can help you find a new unit that won’t break down every few months.
Otherwise, talk to AC installation companies that offer preventative maintenance services. Scheduling routine checkups for your unit could extend its lifespan. You can catch small problems before they become big issues down the road.
If your unit continues having problems, consider checking the thermostat. Does the thermostat display the correct temperature? If it seems wrong, have a professional take a look.
Working with an HVAC repair service can help you avoid constant HVAC problems. They’ll ensure your unit is running at its best. Instead of requesting constant repairs, you’ll have peace of mind your unit is running properly.
It’s Failing to Cool
Have you ever stepped inside your home, eager to escape the heat, only for it to feel hotter indoors? If your HVAC unit is failing to keep your home cool, it’s time to take a look around.
First, make sure your vents are open. The cool air won’t fill your home otherwise.
Don’t forget to check your thermostat, too. Is it set to cooling mode? Set the temperature lower than your home’s current temperature.
If your home is still warm, it means cool air isn’t circulating through the vents. Your HVAC unit might push itself harder trying to reach the right temperature. As it does, your energy bills will continue to rise.
When your HVAC unit fails to expel cool air, it could mean:
- Duct leakage
- Leaking refrigerant
- Low refrigerant
- Condenser issues
Sometimes, insufficient airflow can keep cool air from filling your home as well. You’ll need to make sure there isn’t a blockage in the ductwork. Blockages are usually caused by broken motors or clogged air filters.
Your HVAC repair service team can look for a sluggish fan, dirty coils, or low refrigerant levels. They might discover you have thermostat issues or an old unit, too.
Scheduling regular preventative maintenance checks will ensure you catch these problems before your home can heat up.
Odors and Noises
Does your HVAC unit seem to whistle and rattle throughout the day? It shouldn’t grind, clunk, or clank. If you hear these noises, there’s likely something wrong with the unit:
- Loud pops
- Metal clanging
- Rattling
- High-pitched whistling
- Humming or buzzing
Each sound indicates a different problem. For example, loud pops could mean you have a clogged air filter. Whistling usually means a blocked duct.
If you hear clanging, you might have a damaged fan blade.
Is a strange odor filling your home? Check your unit. You might have a mold problem.
A water leak can cause mold to form, which can impact your home’s air quality. Bacteria could grow on the AC coil as well.
If you hear a strange sound or smell a moldy odor, call for HVAC repair and replacement right away.
Moisture in the Air
Your AC can keep the humidity levels in your home from rising. If you notice condensation or water pooling around your windows, it could mean the AC isn’t working.
Remember, your unit will work overtime to meet the desired temperature levels. Your energy bills could rise as a result. If it feels like there’s moisture in the air, call an HVAC company like Schneider Mechanical.
Annoying Leaks
Look for leaks around your HVAC unit, too. Leaks could mean an issue with the drain tube. It could indicate a refrigerant leak.
If you let your HVAC unit leak, mold could start to grow.
Get any leaks fixed right away.
Your Allergies
Are your allergies flaring up more often than usual? Allergies could mean there are more contaminants in the air. You might need to change your air filter.
Your air filter can catch contaminants like pollen, dust mites, and dander. If your HVAC unit isn’t improving your home’s air quality, you might need a newer model.
Keep Your Cool: 7 Signs You Need HVAC Repair or Replacement
Don’t let an old, broken HVAC unit impact your energy costs. Instead, keep an eye out for these seven signs you need HVAC repair or replacement. By keeping an eye on your unit, you can catch small problems before they become huge expenses.
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