Buying a new toilet can be a confusing endeavour. With so many options and features, it can be hard to keep track of what you need and what you don’t. However, with this Toilet Buying Guide, you’ll be able to find the perfect toilet without any trouble at all!
The Typical Toilet SuiteĀ
A toilet consists of two main parts: the cistern, which holds the water, and the toilet pan, which you sit on when you go to the bathroom. When you flush a toilet, the water flows from the cistern into the pan and sends waste down into your home’s sewer line.
The S trap, P trap and Skew Trap
In terms of drainage systems, there are a few different set-outs you’ll encounter. The first and most common is the S-Trap which looks like the letter S. S-Traps exit from the rear of the toilet, go through the floor and connect directly with the sewage pipe.
You might also encounter a P-Trap which is similar to an S-Trap but has the shape of a letter P. P-trap set-outs exit from the rear of the toilet and typically go through a wall and connect with the sewage system that way.
There is also a Skew trap set out; this is rare but is commonly used in tight spaces. With a Skew trap, there are two pipes exiting from either side of the toilet.
Water Inlets
When purchasing a toilet, you should consider where the water inlet is located. A bottom inlet, which is under the cistern and exposed, might be a better choice for those who like to clean their own plumbing.
A back inlet, on the other hand, can be concealed and therefore tidier in terms of design, but it will almost always require professional assistance to install. Most toilets can accommodate either type of inlet.
Toilet Designs
Most toilets have a design where the S trap or P trap is visible. However, these pipes can be a nuisance to clean, which is why many modern designs have joined the cistern and toilet pan into one unit, and others have eliminated the cistern from sight entirely. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which design you like most and what set out will work best for your bathroom.
Toilet Seats
If you’re looking for a new toilet seat, you’ve probably already realised that there are a lot of options out there. If you want something that’s as low-maintenance as possible, consider a standard plastic seat. These seats are easy to install and don’t require any special maintenance beyond cleaning.
However, If you want something a little more luxurious, consider a padded leather toilet seat. These seats tend to be more expensive than standard plastic seats, but they also tend to be more comfortable and easier on your back.
Bidets and Smart Toilets
Bidets are an alternative to toilet paper that has been gaining popularity in recent years. They have a nozzle that sprays water at the end of your business and then cleanses it with warm, dry air. Some bidets even come with warm water for extra comfort.
Smart toilets are more than just a fancy name; they’re equipped with sensors and voice prompts that help make your toilet experience as pleasant and seamless as possible. These features include heated seats, automatic flushing and drying, automatic lid opening/closing, remote control operation, and more!
So, as you can see, buying a toilet isn’t exactly as straightforward as most people think. There is a lot to consider, from the features to the design and the drainage system. We hope this guide has given you some ideas about what type of toilet you’re looking for. And remember, if you are renovating your bathroom, be sure to get in touch with a professional plumbing company for advice and assistance.